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air corridor 空中走廊。

air council

However , up to today with the development of social industrialization , especially the advance of building and building technology , the successive appearance of land three - dimensional usage such as high building , overhead railway , underground railway , air corridor , underground market , the wire of high voltage and last sewer etc . , at the same time , many problems produced by the ownership and the usage of land space also have been put forward 土地所有權的行使及于土地的上下,土地所有權的效力“上達天宇,下及地心” 。然而,時至今日,隨著社會工業化的發展,特別是現代化土木、建筑技術的進步,高樓大廈、高架鐵路、地下鐵道、空中走廊、地下商場、高壓電線、上下水道等土地立體化利用情形陸續出現,同時,因對土地空間所有和利用所產生的諸多問題也開始被提出。

In second floor ' s esthetical living space , large area ground impact window attracts sunlight freely ; air corridor ' s unique design gives intimate exchange between a couple ; every detailed design is a scene of love intrigue plotted by the designer with meticulous love 在二層唯美的生活空間內,大面積落地飄窗將陽光毫不吝嗇得牽引,空中走廊的獨特設計使夫妻間的密切交流無處不在,每一處細節的設計都是設計師精心醞釀的一場愛情陰謀。

5 now , because of this precision , it is possible for planes to fly both ways down a 10 - mile air corridor , thus doubling the capacity of existing airlanes 譯文一:正由于這種準確度,現在飛機能在10英里寬的空中走廊內,分成兩路各自降落,把航線容量擴大了一倍。

Here air corridor built by pavement of european wood board becomes function transition joining up two spaces of upper and lower floors 這里由歐木板鋪裝而成的空中走廊,是連接上下層空間的功能過渡。